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Retrieving Rope - floating long line
Retrieving Rope - floating long line Price: $21.00

Code: 81-301


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Some brighter colors just arrived!

This is the ideal long line to have in your puppy/dog tool kit. Use it on land or when near, or in, the water.  Attached to your dog while swimming, it is great for redirecting him or her.

Every one who has been doing water training for a while has a story about a favorite toy that got away. And if you've trained a puppy you know about the danger of saying "come" without a way to enforce it. This floating rope will solve both problems!  
With a clip/carabiner on one end, and a  handle on the other you can attach it to a bumper so, if your dog won't retrieve  it, you can pull it in. If your dog has the zoomies clip the rope to the dog, instead. Color may vary depending on availability. Length is 25'.

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