Everything you need for your Portuguese Water Dog!
A-O Courier Buoy Ball
Price: $34.00
Code: 55-019
Working with an exuberant dog?? A chewer??
Tired of replacing the inflatable buoy balls because of punctures or the tab is chewed off?
We have the answer! It's a throwback to the earliest days of water trials, but with an updated look - COLOR!
This A-O COURIER Buoy Ball was white, long ago, and used by many of our early PWD dogs and handlers.
Today, the ball is a highly visible and resilient vinyl made in a one piece mold and with even wall thickness
for strength and durability! The dark blue reinforced rope hold will
stand up to the strongest pull. Most often
seen as boat fenders in the larger sizes, these buoy balls are tough! At the Courier level, you and your dog have likely developed a preference in ropes, therefore, a rope is not provided with this ball. Perfect for the Courier Buoy Ball Drop!
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