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Lightweight Courier Net
Lightweight Courier Net Price: $185.00

Code: 55-017


 NEWEST UPDATE - Available!

The Lightweight Courier Net is now made "In House" for 4MyPWDs! This is a huge benefit for you, our customer. We have our own Net Maker, who can react and respond to any changes made by the PWDCA Water Trial committee. We have already done so this season, moving the one colored float closest to the net.

Two other changes have been made to the net - big changes! We have upgraded the polypropylene plastic rope with a smooth, quality MFP float line (see photo) AND been able to reduce the price!

Lightweight on land - and in the water! Even our smallest PWDs do not have a challenge dragging this through the water! Each net comes with it's own mesh carry bag. Approximately 3-1/2 lbs.

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